


山工机械 按时交付铁路货车,澳国矿业巨子必和必拓给中车董事长寄来了感激信 www.6300.net 2020-03-27中国工程机械信息网

自2月13日复工复产以来,中车齐车团体在当真做好疫情防控各项工作的同时,牢牢聚焦定单交付进度,响应客户交货期要求,出口Australia必和必拓公司的278辆矿石车首批10辆,已在3月9日装车发运至年夜连港,后续打算4月中旬全数完成278辆出产使命。3月16日,Australia必和必拓公司首席商务官潘文怡(Vandita Pant),致信中国中车团体有限公司董事长刘化龙,对中车齐车团体重新冠疫情中敏捷复工复产、交付产物暗示感激:

Dear Mr Liu,


I’m so glad to know that CRRC has effectively ramped up operation over past few weeks given the outbreak of COVID-19. We believe it’s a great example that China economy and manufacture industries are rapidly recovering.


Here, I personally and on behalf of BHP sincerely express our appreciation to CRRC Qiqihar Railway Rolling Stock Co., Ltd (QRRS) of its efficient mobilization of local authorities and supply chain to achieve delivery of first 10 of 278 Ore Car to BHP WAIO in the shadow of virus recently, which demonstrate QRRS’s capability and flexibility to cope with the challenge, the commitment to customers, and the teamwork, efficiency and talent of people.

在此,我本人并代表必和必拓真挚地感激中车齐齐哈尔车辆公司(齐车)经由过程有用调和本地部分、供给链,在防控疫情的同时,实现了向必和必拓西澳铁矿部分交付了 278 辆矿车定单中首批 10 辆矿车。这揭示了中车团体应对挑战的能力和弹性、对客户信守许诺,和中车人的连合、高效和才干。

BHP is holding our hands with customers and suppliers to cope with the challenge. The successful delivery proves again the strong partnership between two companies in past 11 years. We never stop our pace on continuous improvement in product development, manufacturing process, performance and delivery, which enable us to reinforce the collaboration and trust to deliver on social values against the business challenge.

必和必拓正联袂我们的客户与供给商共度时艰。此次成功的发货再次证实了两边长达 11 年的坚实的计谋火伴关系。我们一步一个脚印,不竭开辟产物,改良流程,提高产物机能和交期,不竭增强两边的协作与信赖,共创价值,并肩克难。

So far, QRRS has supplied over 4,500 ore cars running on our rail system in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, and the support and technology provided by QRRS via the design and supply has ensured that BHP and our products can continue to support the ongoing upgrade of the manufacturing industry within China. Our partnership continues to enjoy successful outcomes through our mutual trust and our shared interests. I would like to pass on my appreciation to QRRS and CRRC for all the works and supports you have provided.

至今,齐车已向我司西Australia皮尔巴拉地域的铁路系统供给了跨越 4500 辆矿车和相干的手艺和办事,使得必和必拓和我们的产物可以或许更好地为中国制造业的转型进级办事。我们之间的火伴关系使我们可以或许经由过程互信互利实现双赢。我但愿借此机遇向中车团体和齐车再次致以真挚的感激,感激你们多年来的尽力支出和对必和必拓供给的撑持。

I look forward to building more extensive partnership across CRRC in the future and meet you in person again in my next trip to China.


Thank You!


Vandita Pant


Chief Commercial Office, BHP




Dear Md. Vandita Pant,


I am so glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your concerns about CRRC, and I really appreciate you for the trust and comments on CRRC QRRS.


The COVID-19 has brought challenges and impacts to China and the whole world, and CRRC, as no exception, has also been impacted in many business sections. As you know, The coronavirus now has been effectively controlled , China economy and manufacture industry are recovering quickly, also most of the subsidiaries of CRRC have resumed work and production.


CRRC, as a global supplier of rolling stocks as core business section and multina亚新体育tional operation and world-leading high-end equipment system supplier, with the mission of connecting the world through better mobility, has always been upholding the principles of honesty and credibility in business operation. CRRC QRRS is one of the excellent subsidiaries of CRRC, who has remarkable advantages and capability in design, production, delivery and service of railway freight rolling stocks. It is such a good thing to witness the 11 years solid cooperation and the joint efforts against the difficulties of the two parties, and I am looking forward to the satisfactory delivery of the 278 ore cars and wish the CRRC made products can benefit BHP continuously.


CRRC will work along with BHP to further improve the cooperative partnership on a global scale, trust each other, benefit each other, grow together and create a better future. Especially when facing the worldwide challenges of the coronavirus, I hope we can strengthen cooperation and overcome the difficulties together.


Thanks again for your support. Here I would also like to express my appreciation to all those BHP representatives and supervisors who have been working hard at site to ensure the smooth progress of the project.


You are always warmly welcomed to visit CRRC.


Best Regards!



Liu Hualong

Chairman, CRRC

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